The Queen-Anne Victorian cottage that was used as Kelly McGillis' house in the 1986 movie "Top Gun" is featured in this "About San Diego" story. The 1887 house is in Oceanside, CA just north of San Diego. Plans are to relocate the currently abandoned historic house one block and restore it to its original appearance.
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i walk by this house all the time!! i didnt even know but now it makes sense
lol No it hasn’t. Try living in West Philly, now that is a gang paradise.
ugh i know i herd of that…poor oceanside:( hometown
I live 2 blocks away from that house on pacific for the past 30 years and havent seen the movie.
interesting – thanks for posting.
I lived on Pacific street for 7 years. Loved showing my out of towner friends this house…
that hill is badass for jumping motorcycles haha!!!
The house is scheduled to be moved and restored when the hotel project approved by the city and coastal commission begins. The final location will be one block North. There is no reason to restore it before it is moved. The move and restoration has been blessed by the San Diego preservation group SOHO. 2011 marks the 25th anniversary of the Top Gun movie and 124th year since it was built.
sucks that Oceanside has turned in a gang paradise
haha i thought that was an old crack house
XD I see it everyday~!
i dont like my home anymore. i know i’ve been here 18 years but still. I walk down the street (even though i live on the beach) and where i used to be able to see it, i see big houses instead. i remember when they took out the roller rink and skatepark (memories) it sucks now. this place is such an attraction. if they build one more hotel i swear im going to burn it down….. or think really evil things about the building
poor oceanside. they are even getting rid of the house!! grrrrr
The ToP GuN house!!!…LOL
interesting stuff!